ProFantasy Help

From ProFantasy Help
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ProFantasy Logo.png

Welcome to the ProFantasy help system. Here you will find program help for all ProFantasy products and Add-Ons, as well as tutorials and links to additional resources.

Please select one of the products below to access the help for that product. Please be aware that most of the program help are found within the main Campaign Cartographer 3+ section, only functionality that require a special add-on or have special features related to an add-on is described in that section. For example, dungeon tools are part of the core product, so most of the help regarding dungeons will be found there, and not under the Dungeon Designer 3 heading.

Stand-alone Software

CC3+ Logo.png

Campaign Cartographer 3+

FT3+ image.png

Fractal Terrains 3+



DD3 Logo.png

Dungeon Designer 3

CD3 Logo.png

City Designer 3

Cos3 Logo.png

Cosmographer 3

PER3 Logo.png

Perspectives 3

CA3 logo.png

Character Artist 3

DIO3 logo.png

Dioramas 3


Symbol Sets

SS1 Logo+Title.png

Symbol Set 1: Fantasy Overland

SS2 Logo+Title.png

Symbol Set 2: Fantasy Floorplans

SS3 Logo+Title.png

Symbol Set 3: Modern

Ss4 logo.png

Symbol Set 4: Dungeons of Schley

SS5 Logo+title.png

Symbol Set 5: Cities of Schley


Additional Resources

Annual Logo+Title.png

The Cartographer's Annual

SM Logo.png

Source Maps


Token Treasury

Tome Cover small.jpg

Tome of Ultimate Mapping


Additional Help and Resources

In addition to the help and tutorial found here, there are several official ProFantasy resources where you can get help, find additional tutorials or chat with other mappers and show of your creations.

Complimenting the official channels, there are also several user-maintained resources available, including but not limited to